Turning Problems into Purpose
Hi, my name is Gina Lorello, formally Gina Hopkins. For those that know me, know I am easy going, fun loving, love life and living it...
Hi, my name is Gina Lorello, formally Gina Hopkins. For those that know me, know I am easy going, fun loving, love life and living it...
If you want a no frills, no filter, at home easy and effective work out; you are at the right spot. I believe in short but impactful...
Be one of the first to get your hands on this amazing add on to your skincare routine. Our Mermaid Mask is almost SOLD out for the season...
All our breads are baked fresh and get posted up on our website or our FB and IG page as soon as they are cooling on their racks. Since...
My most favorite group of muscles is the abdominals. Always has been and always will be. A strong core is so important. It is great...
Who doesn't want stronger/leaner and sexier legs? What about a firmer bottom? There are a ton of movements you can do to help strengthen...
That old saying holds true for many things. So just this morning I woke up exhausted because my oldest dog doesn't do well in storms and...
Here are a few leg and booty movements to get you feeling sore and looking toned. You can do some of these movements with or without...
Our shoulder muscles usually aren't ones to be talked about. They aren't the "pretty", muscles others praise and admire. Usually...
Here are a few chest workouts to do to strengthen your chest muscles. Most of these I used gym equipment for; but you can do push ups...
Having toned arms isn't a masculine thing. Woman can be both strong and sexy. Strong arms are a beautiful thing because number one they...
I realized some of you do have gym memberships and may actually want to see other ways to use the equipment. So I will be posting more...
Try to complete this circuit 3x if you can. If not work your way up to that. Remember any movement in the direction is progress. Give...
Here is a quick 15 minute workout that works your whole body and will make you sweat. Do it outside to help up your sweating game.
I started entering the gym back in June of this year; after proving to myself that I could get trim without the gym. I started working...
Complete this circuit 3x. Only rest for a minute or two and jump right into the next set. You got this! <3 Gi
Instead of a kettle bell, this time I used dumbbells for this lower body workout. I decided I wanted to up my weight, so holding a 20lb...
All movements are to be done 10-12 repetitions. Remember to do each leg, then rest for a minute or two and complete the set another 2x. ...
You don't need weights or equipment to have a successful workout. Think about the animals in the wild. Do they start training with...
https://happyhealthymama.com/high-protein-energy-balls.html#_a5y_p=3961551 Do you crave something sweet once a day? Ok maybe even more,...